In the anterior region where the bony support of the soft tissue is essential to achieve optimal aesthetic results, the long-term stability of cerabone® supports long-term aesthetic outcomes. For the treatment of an implant dehiscence, cerabone® can be applied using the sandwich technique, i.e. covering autologous bone chips previously applied on the implant surface.
cerabone® is the ideal biomaterial for preservation of the ridge shape. If implantation is not foreseen within one to two years following tooth extraction, but a bridge restoration is planned, then cerabone® would be the biomaterial of choice since it remains within the augmentation area and permits to preserve the shape of the ridge.
Due to its only superficial degradation, cerabone® can be used for protecting auto- or allografts from resorption. It can be applied covering bone blocks and bone rings, or can be mixed with particulate autologous or allogeneic bone grafting materials.
cerabone® is the leading bovine bone grafting material made in Germany,
as demonstrated by its clinical and scientific success.
The following chart provides a decision aid for the choice of the particle size and amount of cerabone® granules required for a certain clinical indication.
For each recommendation advises for the application are given.
small granules (0.5 – 1 mm)
large granules
(1 – 2 mm)
Recommendations for application6,7
Immediate implantation
(gap augmentation around placed implants)
Volume needed ~0.5 – 1 ml Ref 1510, 1511
– Overfilling should be avoided
– Covering of the granules by the flap is sufficient in this indication, no membrane is needed, alternatively a collagen fleece can be applied to cover the particles
– Can be used alone for smaller defects
– For bigger defects mixing with auto-/allograft (maxgraft®8) in the ratio of 50:50 is recommended
– Mixing with auto-/allograft (maxgraft®8) reduces time for re-entry (four to five months post-surgery)
– If used alone, re-entry at six to nine months post-surgery
Re-entry at six to 12 months post-surgery depending on the dimensions and anatomy of the sinus cavity, and augmented volume
Implant dehiscence (buccal bone missing)
Volume needed ~0.5 – 1 ml Ref 1510, 1511
Sandwich technique recommended: first layer autologous/allogenic (maxgraft®8) bone, second layer cerabone®
Socket/Ridge preservation
Volume needed ~0.5 – 2 ml Ref 1510, 1511, 1512
Volume needed ~0.5 – 2 ml Ref 1520, 1521, 1522
– Can be used alone or in combination with auto-/allograft (maxgraft®8)
– Mixing with auto-/allograft (maxgraft®8) in the ratio of 50:50 reduces time for re-entry (four to five months post-surgery)
– If cerabone® is used alone, re-entry earliest at six months post-surgery
Periodontal bone defects
Volume needed ~0.5 – 1 ml Ref 1510, 1511
Can be used either in conjunction with a barrier membrane or enamel matrix derivative (Emdogain®)
6 for all indications rehydration of cerabone® granules with sterile saline or patients’ blood is recommended 7 gentle compression of the granules should be minded 8 if available, maxgraft® processed human allograft
cerabone® PRODUCT LINE
cerabone® is available as granules or block. The cerabone® granules come in eight different volumes of small (0.5 – 1.0 mm) and large (1.0 – 2.0 mm) granule sizes. The cerabone® block is available in a standardized size of 20 x 20 x 10 mm.
Small cerabone® particles are particularly advantageous for contouring, e.g. for augmentation in the aesthetic region or to fill remaining gaps when a block grafting is performed. Small particles are also preferably used for the regeneration of smaller defects and intraosseous defects.
Large cerabone® particles are favorable, if large volume defects (e.g. sinus floor elevation) are filled. In addition to the higher volume, there is more space between the large particles, which enables a better revascularization of bigger defects.
cerabone®SMALL granules
Particle Size
0.5 – 1.0 mm
1 x 0.5 ml
0.5 – 1.0 mm
1 x 1.0 ml
0.5 – 1.0 mm
1 x 2.0 ml
0.5 – 1.0 mm
1 x 5.0 ml
cerabone®LARGE granules
Particle Size
1.0 – 2.0 mm
1 x 0.5 ml
1.0 – 2.0 mm
1 x 1.0 ml
1.0 – 2.0 mm
1 x 2.0 ml
1.0 – 2.0 mm
1 x 5.0 ml
cerabone® block
20 x 20 x 10 mm
1 x block
1 Pelekanos S, Pozidi G. Immediate One-Time Low-Profile Abutment to Enhance Peri-implant Soft and Hard Tissue Stability in the Esthetic Zone. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017 Sep/Oct;37(5):729-735.
2 Cristache CM. Presurgical Cone Beam Computed Tomography Bone Quality Evaluation for Predictable Immediate Implant Placement and Restoration in Esthetic Zone. Case Rep Dent. 2017;2017:1096365.
3 Kollati P, Koneru S, Dwarakanath CD, Gottumukkala SNVS.Effectiveness of naturally derived bovine hydroxyapatite (Cerabone™) combined with platelet-rich fibrin matrix in socket preservation: A randomized controlled clinical trial. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2019 Mar-Apr;23(2):145-151.
4 Wen SC, Huang WX, Wang HL. Regeneration of Peri-implantitis Infrabony Defects: Report on Three Cases.Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Sep/Oct;39(5):615-621.
5 Khojasteh A, Nazeman P, Tolstunov L.Tuberosity-alveolar block as a donor site for localised augmentation of the maxilla: a retrospective clinical study. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 Oct;54(8):950-955.